Please be vigilant when reviewing your caller ID for calls and text messages. A popular technique used by scammers currently is to try to pose as a business to attempt to gain personal information from people.
These fraudulent calls and texts may look like they are coming from a legitimate phone number, so that’s why it’s very important you don’t give out any personal information and report any suspicious communications.
Below are more tips for spotting fraud and what you should do to protect yourself and loved ones.
Always remember, never give out personal or account information in reply to an unsolicited call, text, or email.
Signs to Spot a Scam
- Scammers tell you to pay a specific way
UnitedOne will never ask you to come to one of our offices and take out money to send to someone to ‘fix’ an issue with your account. It’s a scam. Fraudsters might also ask you to buy a gift card and send them the number on the back of the card, or send you a check and ask you to deposit before sending them the money.
- Scammers pressure you to act immediately
This is a tactic used by scammers to try to make you act quickly before you have time to think about their ‘urgent’ request. The technique is meant to confuse and distract you into falling for their scheme.
- Scammers indicate there is a problem
If you’re told there is a problem with your computer, you owe money immediately, or a family member is in an emergency and needs help – it’s likely a fraud attempt.
What To Do If You Suspect Fraud
- Don’t respond to the request
If it’s a phone call, hang up. If it’s a text or email, don’t reply or click on any links.
- Report it
If you ever feel your UnitedOne account has been compromised or you received a suspicious communication, please contact us at (920) 684-0361 in Manitowoc or (920) 451-8222 in Sheboygan.
- Inform others
If you have a family member or friend who you feel would be more susceptible to a fraud scheme, please let them know what to watch for and how they can protect themselves from becoming a victim.
Visit for more security information, including details about the ways UnitedOne and our partners will and won’t contact you.
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